Top 6 Ways VoIP Can Help Save Your Money

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if you could cut down on your business communication costs? Well, now you can. Voice Over Internet Protocol or VoIP is a big money saver for businesses in many ways. It uses the local area network and Internet to connect the phone systems. At a less cost than traditional PBX, you get more and better features. Here is how you can save money by installing VoIP.

voip phone system

Pay less for local and international calls: These days even small businesses and startups have customers and clients in different parts of the world. International business calls made using traditional phones can make a lot of damage to your bank account. Whereas in the case of VoIP, time and distance do not matter, as it uses the Internet to make calls. Depending on the subscription plan, the consumers can make unlimited national and international calls. A business using VoIP does not have to pay for interoffice calls, even if the offices are located in different cities. Some providers also offer a given number of free minutes when you purchase a phone from them.

Hundreds of features: Businesses need to be flexible in this competitive era. They need to use advanced features like video conferencing, music on hold, voicemail and follow me to operate more efficiently. These features are no longer a luxury but a necessity. Thanks to VoIP, now every business can utilise these features. VoIP phone system providers offer all these features at a very low cost.


Hardware: The traditional phone systems require extensive hardware cost. With traditional phones, you will need to install extensive hardware for a feature such as auto attendant. And if you wish to install another auto attendant, then you will require additional hardware. With VoIP, you have the freedom to upgrade or change the system without any extra purchases.

Maintenance: If business phone systems fail, then the downtime can cost the company thousands. With VoIP, you will be able to eliminate the unwanted hardware failures and other maintenance issues. The older phone systems parts are not readily available, which makes them expensive. With the parts, you will also have to pay for the additional technical support. VoIP phone systems do not require extensive hardware and need less maintenance support. Therefore, businesses are switching to VoIP phone systems.

Mobility: Traditional phone systems require you to sit close to the desk. When moving office or across the town, you will have to reroute the phone number to a new location. Whereas the VoIP number is not based on the physical location but represents the account. With an IP connection, you can use your VoIP handset anywhere you want to. VoIP also gives an option of using a smartphone application, which allows you to take business calls on your smartphone no matter where you are.

Free upgrades: Phone systems require periodic updates. With traditional phone systems, you will be responsible for phone upgrades. With VoIP, the provider will cover the upgrades.

Destiny Business Solutions Ltd. is powered by world’s leading Softswitch platform that provides VoIP phone system, data, wireless services, telephony, and CCTV solutions. The services are reliable so that you can enjoy crystal-clear voice connectivity.


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